Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Super Foods are actually foods that contain unusually high level of nutrients, as compared to other foods. These nutrition packed super foods if included in your daily diet can help you achieve amazing health benefits, ranging from improving your body’s immunity, protection against heart diseases to increasing your energy and reducing your cholesterol levels.

1. Apples

Apples are traditionally associated with health. Most of us will be familiar with the saying, said to originate in 19thcentury Wales, that ''an apple a day keeps the doctor away''. Many of us will also be familiar with Prince Ahmed's apple in Tales of the Arabian Nights that was said to be "the cure for every disorder".

Apples are packed full of antioxidants, especially vitamin C for healthy skin and gums - one apple provides a quarter of your daily requirement of vitamin C. Apples also contain a form of soluble fibre called pectin that can help to lower blood cholesterol levels and keep the digestive system healthy.

Apples fortunately are fruits that can be munched upon anytime of the day, especially in the mornings as they increase your energy levels and keep you fresh for a long period of time.

2. Olive Oil

Health benefits of Olive oil can be attributed to the presence of nutrients such as omega-3, oleocanthal, phenolic compounds, selenium and vitamins. Olive oil is an integral component of the Mediterranean diet which is considered to be one of the healthiest diets. It is known to provide protection against cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, and even cancer. Olive oil has proved useful in skin and hair care, and if used in food instead of saturated fats, it may aid in weight loss as well.

The mono-unsaturated healthy fats such as omega-3 give olive oil its anti-inflammatory properties. Inflammation, as we know, is linked to number of chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, asthma and cancer.
Olive oil is also very high in anti-oxidant content. Anti-oxidants help prevent cell damage through free radical scavenging and also help repair cell damage. Increased anti-oxidants in the body slow down the process of aging and may even increase longevity.

Scientists have recently discovered that a good quality extra-virgin olive oil contains a natural organic compound called oleocanthal which is responsible for the peppery sting of the oil and which has anti-inflammatory as well as anti-oxidant properties. This compound has shown to inhibit the activity of enzymes involved in inflammation much the same way as the NSAIDs.

3. Almonds

Savor this snack. The fiber in nuts may prevent your body from absorbing some fat, speeding weight loss. Almond eaters also lowered their blood pressure. Almonds are the most nutrient-dense tree nut. An excellent source of vitamin B, E, magnesium, folic acid, protein and fiber.
Almonds contain tryptophan, an essential amino acid, which assists in brain development. Phosphorus content in almonds also helps in developing brain and muscle tissues. Another benefit is memory improvement. Having 5 to 6 overnight soaked almonds in water or milk every morning can work to improve memory. On top of all that almonds can also help to relieve stress and control mood swings.
Eating one ounce of almonds everyday can reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol. One ounce of almonds is a about 23 almonds. Don’t feel a need to stop at 23, eating two ounces of almonds daily causes zero weight gain and can assist in weight management. The fiber in almonds can block some of the nuts fat and calories from being absorbed by the human body. So enjoy a few handfuls a day!

4. Lemon

There are many health benefits of lemons that have been known for centuries. The two biggest are lemons’ strong antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-boosting powers and their use as a weight loss aid because lemon juice is a digestive aid and liver cleanser. Lemons contain many substances--notably citric acid, calcium, magnesium, vitamin C, bioflavonoids, pectin, and limonene--that promote immunity and fight infection.

Lemons contain flavonoid, a composite that holds antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. It helps to prevent diabetes, constipation, high blood pressure, skin care, fever, hair care, dental care, indigestion and many other health problems.

Lemon is a natural antiseptic medicine, and can cure skin problems. Due to its skin enhancing qualities, lemon also acts as an anti-aging remedy and can remove wrinkles, blackheads and acne. As a natural antiseptic, the juice of the lemon will destroy harmful bacteria found in the cuts and other areas of infection. Lemon contains citric acid, which can be effective in treating acne. The vitamin C found in citrus fruits is vital for that healthy glowing skin while its alkaline nature kills some types of bacteria known to cause acne.

Due to its high potassium content, lemon should be used by people with high blood pressure, it is known to control and minimize it.
Lemons can assist in weight loss due to the high pectin level in citrus fruits. Pectin is a type of soluble fiber that keep blood sugar and cholesterol low.

5. Ginger

Ginger is often used to treat cold symptoms. Sore throats and blocked noses can be soothed by the spice’s natural heat and flavour, and because it natural anti-inflammatory. Ginger’s anti-inflammatory properties are also reputed to help those who have arthritis.

Five grams of dried ginger per day slows the production of LDL (bad) cholesterol and triglycerides in the liver. Ginger also hinders platelets from sticking together, thus decreasing the risk of stroke or heart attack.

Ginger is being studied as a treatment of ovarian cancer. Studies show that ginger powder induces cell death in all ovarian cancer cells to which it was applied. It has also been found that ginger may slow the growth of colorectal cancer cells.

The oils in ginger (gingerols and shogaols) stimulate your body to produce more digestive juices and help neutralize the stomach acids that cause cramping , nausea and diarrhea.

Ginger has also been known to relieve migraines and headaches, due to its ability to stop prostaglandins from causing pain and inflammation in blood vessels.

Ginger tea with brown sugar is used in the treatment of menstrual cramps.

6. Green Tea

The secret of green tea lies in the fact it is rich in catechin polyphenols, particularly epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). EGCG is a powerful anti-oxidant: besides inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue. It has also been effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels, and inhibiting the abnormal formation of blood clots. The latter takes on added importance when you consider that thrombosis (the formation of abnormal blood clots) is the leading cause of heart attacks and stroke.
Green tea can even help prevent tooth decay! Just as its bacteria-destroying abilities can help prevent food poisoning, it can also kill the bacteria that causes dental plaque.
Green Tea is extremely high in antioxidants, especially a group called catechins. In studies catechin has been shown to be more powerful than Vitamin C and E in stoping damage to cells.
Green Tea has also showed a 46%-65% drop in hypertension risk.
Research has shown that green tea is high in EGCG which is shown to reduce abdominal fat.

The flavonoids as well as the poly-phenonls in green tea are believed to boost your immune system.

 7. Garlic

Wonderful effects and healing powers have been ascribed to garlic. In addition to keeping the heart and blood vessels healthy research has proved that garlic lowers you blood pressure, lowers your cholesterol, fends off respiratory infections, infections of the urinary tract and digestive tract.
Equally important garlic has been known for its anticancer and tumor properties.
If you have cold and flu, then take small amount of garlic every day until the infection disappears. Garlic tends to reduce the frequency of colds and flu without any side effects. A suggested dose would be two or three cloves of raw or cooked garlic a day.
If you want to lose weight, squeeze half lemon juice in one glass of luke warm water and drink it with two cloves of raw garlic regularly twice a day, for about three months.


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